I've been using Azure Storage Explorer for a few years without any problems. This morning I opened it and was told that I needed to reauthenticate, so I clicked the Reauthenticate now
This window opened...
At the same time a browser window opened with a URL which begins...
... and this is displayed...
Is there anything I can do about this? How else can I reauthenticate?
It seems that this problem goes further than I previously thought: I also cannot login to the Azure CLI or run any Powershell scripts which require authentication. In all cases I'm presented with a webpage showing ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
It looks like Firefox gives a bit more explanation of the problem:
Sure enough, if I change my default browser to Firefox then the process works.
The following worked for me (across VS, Storage Explorer and the Az Cli):
For Edge, go to edge://net-internals/#hsts
for Google Chrome, go to chrome://net-internals/#hsts
Under Delete domain security policies, fill in localhost and click Delete