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How to list non-active revisions of Cloud Run?

This is somewhat similar to How to check if the latest Cloud Run revision is ready to serve

I would like to list non-active revisions of my Cloud Run service so that I can delete them. I can list them using:

gcloud run revisions list --region europe-west1 --service service-name

The listing looks like:

   REVISION                ACTIVE  SERVICE       DEPLOYED                 DEPLOYED BY
✔  xxxxx-server-00083-ban  yes     xxxxx-server  2022-12-22 18:13:50 UTC  xxxxx-server@***
✔  xxxxx-server-00082-few          xxxxx-server  2022-12-22 18:09:27 UTC  xxxxx-server@***
✔  xxxxx-server-00081-zex          xxxxx-server  2022-12-22 18:03:00 UTC  xxxxx-server@***
✔  xxxxx-server-00080-bad          xxxxx-server  2022-12-22 18:02:02 UTC  xxxxx-server@***

Now I would like to filter only those which do not have ACTIVE:yes. I have tried adding --filter='-active:*', but it does not seem to have any effect and I am given an warning:

WARNING: The following filter keys were not present in any resource : active

When I try listing the information with --format=JSON or --format=YAML, I am overwhelmed with information, which includes listing all past status transitions like:

  - lastTransitionTime: '2022-12-22T18:14:04.208603Z'
    status: 'True'
    type: Ready
  - lastTransitionTime: '2022-12-22T18:24:23.335439Z'
    reason: Reserve
    severity: Info
    status: Unknown
    type: Active

I have no idea if / how I can filter based on this.

How can I list only non-active Cloud Run revisions of my service?


  • You can use this command to do that :)

    # Get non running revisions
    gcloud run revisions list \
       --filter="status.conditions.type:Active AND status.conditions.status:'False'" \

    And here u can delete them all at once :)

    REVS=`gcloud run revisions list --filter="status.conditions.type:Active AND status.conditions.status:'False'" --format='value('`
    for rev in `echo $REVS`; do
        echo $rev
        gcloud run revisions delete $rev --quiet &