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Reducing Select statements in for loop

Does any functionality in vba exist where I can essentially index methods in a loop rather than index matching them??

I want to avoid repeating the for loop many times as it will make the code messy as other stuff happens in the for loop before the method is applied

See below example for better explanation...

For iRow = 1 to LargeNumber
 'do lots of stuff here...
 'to here....

Select Method

Case Method1
Call ApplyMethod1

Case Method2
Call ApplyMethod2


Case Methodn
Call ApplyMethodn

end select

next iRow

However the method is known in advance and doesn't need to be found for every row. So more efficiently I could apply something like so (If the functionality existed!).

For iRow = 1 to LargeNumber
 'do lots of stuff here...
 'to here....

goto Method

Call ApplyMethod1
goto EndOfMethods

Call ApplyMethod2
goto EndOfMethods

Call ApplyMethodn
goto EndOfMethods


end select

next iRow


  • In addition to @user3598756 's class approach, you might profit from

    • coding a Run procedure needing an input string to define the wanted proc name,
    • using an enumeration with invisible elements (within brackets) and a maximum definition for a possible loop:

    Example code within module head

    Option Explicit
    Enum apply
        [_Start] = 0
        max = [_Limit] - 1
    End Enum

    Note that enumerations increment empty numeric values by +1 added to the non-defined predecessors.

    Main procedure calling a sequence of enumerated procedures

    Sub TestRun()
        Dim i As Long
        For i = apply.Method1 To apply.max
            Run "ApplyMethod" & i     ' << execute "methods" one by one
    End Sub
    Sub ApplyMethod1(Optional ApplyIndex As Long = 1)
        Debug.Print "ApplyMethod" & ApplyIndex
        ' further stuff
        ' ...
    End Sub
    Sub ApplyMethod2(Optional ApplyIndex As Long = 2)
        Debug.Print "ApplyMethod" & ApplyIndex
        ' further stuff
        ' ...
    End Sub
    Sub ApplyMethod3(Optional ApplyIndex As Long = 3)
        Debug.Print "ApplyMethod" & ApplyIndex
        ' further stuff
        ' ...
    End Sub

    If you prefer a more direct code without the additional enumeration variables, it suffices to loop as follows:

    Option Explicit                   ' code module head
    Sub TestRun()                     
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 1 To 3                ' << change 3 to actual maximum
            Run "ApplyMethod" & i     ' << execute "methods" one by one
    End Sub