Search code examples

SelectedIndex mat-tab doesn’t work in ngif

Good day, I need initialize my mat-tab in the first tab, but I can´t when I use *ngIf.

This is my code :


<mat-tab-group dynamicHeight> 

  <mat-tab label="RENT" *ngIf="showRent"> 
    <div class="rc-result" > 
      <mat-card class="rc-available"> 
  <mat-tab label="FILTERS"> 
    <div class="rc-result" > 
        <mat-card class="rc-available"> 


import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; 
import { MatTabGroup} from '@angular/material/tabs'; 

my variables

  @ViewChild(MatTabGroup) tabGroup!: MatTabGroup; 
  showRent: Boolean = false; 

in the ngOnInit. Depend on the origin of data the tab initialize in cero or one.

                     .subscribe((payload: any) => { 
                        this.myPayloadForm = payload. Data;  
                        if (this.myPayloadForm.home === 'ahri'){ 
                          this.showRent = false;                                                
                          this.tabGroup.selectedIndex = 1; 
                        } else { 
                          this.showRent = true;                                                          
                          this.tabGroup.selectedIndex = 0; 

I appreciate your support and interest in helping me


  • After setting the value for showRent set the selectedIndex and call the detectChanges from ChangeDetectorRef

    this.showRent = false;                                                
    this.tabGroup.selectedIndex = 1;

    Create ChangeDetectorRef object in the constructor of your component.ts file enter image description here