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trying to add subcaption or subfloat with circuitikz or tabular but could not succeed

I've been trying to add subcaption under the circuit drawing but could not succeed yet. I do not know how to add \subcaption or \subfloat. I only know how to do that with images but not with \circuitikz or \tabular

\documentclass[10pt,letterpaper,twocolumn,aps,pra, superscriptaddress,longbibliography]{revtex4-2}



\begin{circuitikz}[american,baseline=(current bounding ]
(0,1) to [short, -*](0,1)
to [inductor](0,-1)
to [short, -*](0,-1);
\caption{The kinetic inductor a) A circuit diagram of an inductor. b) A fabricated JJ array with Manhattan-style.}


enter image description here

My expectation is to have the subcaption 'a' under the inductor element, not in the middle of the whole figure.


  • You can use the circuitikz the same way you use \includegraphics inside the \subcaptionbox:

    \documentclass[10pt,letterpaper,twocolumn,aps,pra, superscriptaddress,longbibliography]{revtex4-2}
    \begin{circuitikz}[american,baseline=(current bounding ]
    (0,1) to [short, -*](0,1)
    to [inductor](0,-1)
    to [short, -*](0,-1);
    \caption{The kinetic inductor a) A circuit diagram of an inductor. b) A fabricated JJ array with Manhattan-style.}

    enter image description here