C# compiler (Visual Studio 2019, C# 7.3) does not like using an aliased type as a generic argument of another aliased type. I looked in C# language spec, and there seems to be no explicit prohibition against that. Is it a bug or a feature?
// C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Foo
using IntPair = Tuple<int,int>;
using IntPairList = List<IntPair>; // does not compile: IntPair is not found
class Bar
static List<IntPair> list; // compiles OK
According to the section in the spec about using directives in general (emphasis mine),
The scope of a
extends over thenamespace_member_declarations
of its immediately containing compilation unit or namespace body. The scope of ausing_directive
specifically does not include its peerusing_directives
. Thus, peerusing_directives
do not affect each other, and the order in which they are written is insignificant.
In short, you cannot make use of the effect of other using
s in the same "scope" (I'm using this word very loosely here), when writing a using
More examples:
using System;
// using IntPair = Tuple<int,int>; // Not OK, can't use the effect of "using System;" here!
using IntPair = System.Tuple<int,int>; // OK
using IntPair = System.Tuple<int,int>;
namespace Foo
// OK, "IntPair" is introduced in a parent "scope", not the Foo namespace
using IntPairList = List<IntPair>;