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Why is this reference ambiguous?

import swing._

object PeerTest extends SimpleSwingApplication {
  def top = new MainFrame {
    val p = peer.getMousePosition 


error: ambiguous reference to overloaded definition,
both method getMousePosition in class Container of type (x$1: Boolean)java.awt.Point
and  method getMousePosition in class Component of type ()java.awt.Point
match expected type ?
val p = peer.getMousePosition

but adding the type

val p: Point = peer.getMousePosition 

makes it ok. Why?

edit: causes problem:

class A {
  def value() = 123

class B extends A {
  def value(b: Boolean) = 42  

object Main extends App {
  println ((new B).value) 

doesn't cause problem:

class A {
  def value() = 123
  def value(b: Boolean) = 42  

class B extends A {}

object Main extends App {
  println ((new B).value) 

So I think the answer has to explain why it only occurs when the methods are in different classes.


  • There are two methods getMousePosition one without and one with a boolean parameter.

    Without a type annotation Scala does not know if you want a reference to the method in one parameter (a Function1 object) or if you want to invoke the one without parameters (resulting in a Point).

    Specifying the expected type clarifies your intend.

    Using getMousePosition() should work as well.