I want to center the dropdown item vertically on the appbar but the shadow looks annoying even after trying to match bg colors. This is my kivy string text
id: drop_item
pos: appbar.pos[0] + dp(20), appbar.pos[1] + dp(30)
text: "All Dose"
font_size: "23sp"
on_release: app.menu.open()
You can use any kind of button to trigger the drop down menu. Then open the menu when it is clicked. I use a MDFlatButton that has no shadow. You can customize it as you like.
id: drop_item
text: "All Dose"
pos: appbar.pos[0] + dp(20), appbar.pos[1] + dp(30)
font_size: "23sp"
on_release: app.menu.open()