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Dynamodb query using FilterExpression involving nested attributes with boto3

I have below data in my dynamodb table with name as partition-key.

    "age": 30,

I have a GSI defined with partition-key on status field.

Now, I have to run a query which returns all records whose status is active and whose address list contains a given address.

   kwargs = {
        'IndexName': 'status-index',
        'KeyConditionExpression': Key('status').eq('active'),
        'FilterExpression': 'contains(#filter, :val)',
        'ExpressionAttributeNames': {
            '#filter': 'addresses'
        'ExpressionAttributeValues': {
            ':val': addr
    response = table.query(**kwargs)

Here, addr is the parameter passes to the function.

All this works great. But when I change the record format in the table to below, the query stops working.


(addresses are now nested one level inside - in home key)

    "age": 30,


kwargs = {
            'IndexName': 'status-index',
            'KeyConditionExpression': Key('status').eq('active'),
            'FilterExpression': 'contains(#filter, :val)',
            'ExpressionAttributeNames': {
                '#filter': 'addresses.home' #nested home key on addresses
            'ExpressionAttributeValues': {
                ':val': addr
        response = table.query(**kwargs)

How should I change the query in order to use nested list ?


  • You've created a string called "addresses.home", which is not a pointer to a nested attribute. Use these args:

    kwargs = {
                'IndexName': 'status-index',
                'KeyConditionExpression': Key('status').eq('active'),
                'FilterExpression': 'contains(#add.#hom, :val)',
                'ExpressionAttributeNames': {
                    '#add': 'addresses',
                    '#hom': 'home'
                'ExpressionAttributeValues': {
                    ':val': addr