I am using Quarto to produce some revealjs slides using RStudio and have been using the code-line-numbers
option to selectively highlight lines of code. For instance:
```{r, echo = TRUE}
#| code-line-numbers: "1|3"
x <- 1
y <- 2
x + y
x * y
Allows me to highlight the first and third lines of code in the presentation.
I would like to additionally be able to highlight certain lines in the output. For instance, if I wanted to only highlight the result of x+y
but not x*y
, is there a way of doing so? I wondered if there was an option for output-line-number
or similar that might have the desired effect, but couldn't find anything like this.
Any pointers appreciated!
A possible way to do this could be based on using pandoc Lua filter.
Here I have created a chunk-option output-line-numbers
to specify which output lines to highlight (works just as code-line-numbers
chunk option), but please note that you must have to use class-output: highlight
to get this line specific highlighting on chunk output.
title: "Output Line highlight"
format: revealjs
- output-line-highlight.lua
```{r, echo = TRUE}
#| code-line-numbers: "1"
#| class-output: highlight
#| output-line-numbers: "2"
for (i in 1:3) {
print("This is some random line")
function highlight(line_number)
local highlighter = {
CodeBlock = function(block)
if block.classes:includes('highlight') then
block.attributes["code-line-numbers"] = line_number
return block
return highlighter
function Div(el)
if FORMAT == 'revealjs' then
if el.classes:includes('cell') then
line_number = tostring(el.attributes["output-line-numbers"])
return el:walk(highlight(line_number))