I using expect to automate the installation of a software. This is my simplified expect code that I have in my script, but the same problem also happens when I paste it directly in console.
expect <<-EOS
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout -1
#run the command
spawn ./installSoftware.sh
expect "*?Question 1*" { send "N\r" }
expect -ex {Question 2 (default is [RANDOM STRING]):} { send "\r" }
puts "-------------- DONE 1 ---------------"
expect eof
puts "-------------- DONE 2 ---------------"
the installSoftware.sh is a big script that installs packages and many other things. The script have in the last line.
echo "----------- Done-----------"
The installSoftware.sh scripts works fine when I execute it directly, but when I use it with the expect script, it runs through and show me "done" echo from the last line, but then it stucks. I can see with HTOP that the process of the script is still running, the installSoftware.sh script don't exit.
Any ideas how to debug this? Is this more a problem of the installSoftware.sh script or something related to expect?
What I can tell is, if I remove this line from the installSoftware.sh, it exit my installSoftware.sh as expected, but this is somewhere in the middle of the hugh script.
rpm -Uvh --oldpackage --replacepkgs mysoftware.rpm
I have found the issue, the problem were inside the RPM package in a script. This example replicate the same issue and will show that the spawn task will stuck at the end without direct indication of a child process.
expect <<-EOS
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout -1
#run the command
spawn ./test.sh
expect eof
cp -f sleep.sh /tmp
chmod 777 /tmp/sleep.sh
su testuser -c "/tmp/sleep.sh &"
echo "--- DONE ---"
while true
echo "loading..."
sleep 5