I have a a UISegmentedControl in my xib file. It is linked to an action method on value changed event in the xib file.
When I programmatically set the value of selectedSegmentIndex the action method gets called
mysegmentedcontrol.selectedSegmentIndex = index
I was expecting that the action method would only be called when the user changes the control by touching it?
This happens only for UISegmentedControl.
.h file
BOOL isProgramaticallyChanged;
.m file
- (IBAction)segmentAction:(id)sender { // valuechanged connected function
UISegmentedControl *segControll = (UISegmentedControl *)sender;
if (segControll.tag == 55) { // while create segment specify tag value to 55 (to set use via IB or Code)
if (isProgramaticallyChanged == NO) {
// your valuechanged code here
else {
isProgramaticallyChanged = NO; //important
else if (segControll.tag == 66) { // for many segments
//...like this do for all segments
in .m file
wherever you put this code to change programmatically do before that like this
if (mysegmentedcontrol.selectedSegmentIndex != index) {
isProgramaticallyChanged = YES;
mysegmentedcontrol.selectedSegmentIndex = index;