I am building an EV Station app on IOS, which provides users with a map and pins representing EV Charging Stations. I have a NavigationLink
with destination:
another view that applies filters to the map results. And label:
A custom built button. The problem is that when I switch apps and returns again to my app the NavigationLink
is not working anymore, not until I switch apps again and return to my app a second time, only then the NavigationLink
works again.
This behavior is repeated when I repeat the steps described above.
Below you can see my MainView
which contains the above mentioned NavigationLink
. you can also find and clone the whole project on github.
import SwiftUI
import MapKit
import CoreLocationUI
import Foundation
import AlertToast
struct MainView: View {
@StateObject var locationController = LocationController()
@StateObject var networkController = NetworkController()
@State public var showingSheet = false
@State public var dismissSheet = false
@State private var showToast = false
@State public var applyFilters = false
@State public var type1 = false
@State public var type2 = false
@State public var csstype1 = false
@State public var csstype2 = false
@State public var chademo = false
@State public var schuko = false
@State public var tesla = false
@State public var dc = false
@State public var ac1 = false
@State public var ac2 = false
@State public var ac2s = false
@State public var ac3 = false
@State public var format: Int = 3
@State public var status: Int = 7
var map: MapView {
locationController: locationController,
networkController: networkController,
showingSheet: $showingSheet,
dismissSheet: $dismissSheet,
didSelect: {_ in}
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ZStack(alignment: .bottom) {
LocationButton(.currentLocation) {
.padding(.bottom, 100 )
.padding(.leading, 330 )
destination: FiltersView(
applyFilters: $applyFilters,
type1: $type1,
type2: $type2,
csstype1: $csstype1,
csstype2: $csstype2,
chademo: $chademo,
schuko: $schuko,
tesla: $tesla,
dc: $dc,
ac1: $ac1,
ac2: $ac2,
ac2s: $ac2s,
ac3: $ac3,
format: $format,
status: $status),
label: {
ZStack {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 8, style: .circular)
HStack {
.font(.system(size: 15, weight: .regular))
.padding(.trailing, 5)
}.frame(minWidth: 100, maxWidth: 110, minHeight: 40, maxHeight: 40)
.padding(.bottom, 660 )
.padding(.leading, 250 )
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.sheet(item: $networkController.activeLocation, onDismiss: onSheetDismiss) { item in
BottomSheetView(data: item)
.onDisappear() {
.onAppear {
print("Active View: Main")
if applyFilters {
networkController.applyFilters = .constant(true)
NetworkVariables.FilterOptions.type1 = type1
NetworkVariables.FilterOptions.type2 = type2
NetworkVariables.FilterOptions.csstype1 = csstype1
NetworkVariables.FilterOptions.csstype2 = csstype2
NetworkVariables.FilterOptions.chademo = chademo
NetworkVariables.FilterOptions.schuko = schuko
NetworkVariables.FilterOptions.tesla = tesla
NetworkVariables.FilterOptions.dc = dc
NetworkVariables.FilterOptions.ac1 = ac1
NetworkVariables.FilterOptions.ac2 = ac2
NetworkVariables.FilterOptions.ac2s = ac2s
NetworkVariables.FilterOptions.ac3 = ac3
NetworkVariables.FilterOptions.format = format
NetworkVariables.FilterOptions.status = status
Task {
await networkController.getToken()
applyFilters = false
.toast(isPresenting: $showToast){
AlertToast(type: .regular, title: "Βρέθηκαν \(networkController.mapLocations.count) σημεία")
func onSheetDismiss() {
print("sheet dismissed")
map.dismissSheet = true
I found what the problem was. As I had read before, this kind of problem usually happens because the app is running on an emulator
. So while I was having this problem on physical devices, I realised that the physical devices I was testing were running the app on Testflight
which is kind of a sandbox as far as I've understood it. So, the problem was caused because the app was running on testflight, when I installed the app directly to an iOS device through USB, it worked just fine.
Thanks for your replies.