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Removing lowercase letter before an uppercase letter

I was trying to replace all the small case letters that come before an uppercase letter on BigQuery.

For example:-

string = aDepartment of test, kHospital of test

After replacement

Department of test, Hospital of test

I have made the regex [a-z](?=[A-Z]). This regex works fine on regex101. But when I use this regex on BigQuery, it shows Cannot parse regular expression: invalid perl operator: (?= error.

I'm not able to understand what this error is about. Can anyone look into this regex so that it can work on BigQuery?


  • Lookarounds are not supported in RE2 library.

    You can use

    regexp_replace(col, r'[a-z]([A-Z])', r'\1')

    See the regex demo.


    • [a-z] - an ASCII lowercase letter
    • ([A-Z]) - Group 1 (\1): an ASCII uppercase letter.