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Can you use a BlobTrigger for a blob container with millions of blobs?

I have an existing blob container with over 3 million blobs in it. I have written an Azure Function using BlobTrigger and a Blob output binding to copy the file, including it's tags, to another container on another storage account.

The Azure docs seem to indicate BlobTrigger for a standard Blob Storage container is not recommended or perhaps not supported or possible for "high-scale" containers (containers with over 100,000 blobs in them).

My function is working against this container, but it does take about 9 minutes between startup, when the host lock lease is acquired, until the first files start processing.

The problem is, I need to process the existing files, and none of the other options in that Azure doc seem to support processing of existing blobs.

Do I proceed with the function I have, or should I avoid using it due to it's long start time? Perhaps one of the event based ones are better, but then how do I "catch up" on the existing files first?


  • I do agree with @Peter Bons that for existing files you can use azcopy command with which we can copy files and tags can be preserved too and followed Microsoft-Document :

    azcopy copy '' '' --recursive

    If you want to copy containers, directories, and blobs:

    azcopy copy '' '' --recursive