I'm dealing with the chart helper of mvc framework and I wonder if there is a way to add dynamic data into the chart. all the tutorials (e.g. http://www.asp.net/webmatrix/tutorials/7-displaying-data-in-a-chart) use hard coded data.
What if I want to pass the data, for example a list of stocks and display the data in the charts.
I'm including the chart with:
<img src="@Url.Action("GenerateChart", new {data = stocks})" alt="stocks" />
The possible code of the action methode:
public FileContentResult GenerateChartImage(IList<StockProgressionModel> data)
Chart chart = new Chart(800, 600);
foreach (var stock in data {
int[] xArray = Enumerable.Range(0, stock.Entries.Count).ToArray();
var yArray = stock.Entries.Select(e => e.Value).ToArray();
chart.AddSeries(ap.FieldOfActivityName, chartType: "FastLine",
xValue: xArray,
yValues: yArray);
chart.SetXAxis("Month", 0);
chart.SetYAxis("Value", 0);
return File(chart.GetBytes(), "image/png");
This means that the link of the url is always the same and I cannot pass the data as parameter. Is there a better way to do this?
I found a solution:
string key = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
@Html.Action("GenerateChart", new { @cacheKey = key, data = stocks })
string url = Url.Action("ShowChart", new { @cacheKey = key });
<img src="@url" alt="Chart" />
public void GenerateChartImage(IList<StockProgressionModel> data)
Chart chart = new Chart(800, 600);
foreach (var stock in data {
int[] xArray = Enumerable.Range(0, stock.Entries.Count).ToArray();
var yArray = stock.Entries.Select(e => e.Value).ToArray();
chart.AddSeries(ap.FieldOfActivityName, chartType: "FastLine",
xValue: xArray,
yValues: yArray);
chart.SetXAxis("Month", 0);
chart.SetYAxis("Value", 0);
chart.SaveToCache(cacheKey, 1);
public void ShowChart(string cacheKey)
Chart chart = Chart.GetFromCache(cacheKey);
If someone had a better solution, i would be interested.