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How to add string to a list if the strings exist in the dictionary keys that consist of one or more words dynamically

I want to iterate some string from voice input through python dict that contains one, two or more word in key and add the strings to a list if exist in dict keys. I know how to add the string (voiceinput) to a new list (fruit_cart), if it only contains one word in dict key (dict_fruit) and iterating its values, like this:

# one word only of dict keys
dict_fruit = {"apple": 2, "melon": 6, "mango": 3, "banana": 4, "grape": 5}

voiceinput = 'I want 2 Melons 3 apples 1 mango 4 grapes and 1 banana'

def show_order(cart, quantity, price, gross_price):
    print(); print("PYTHON FRUIT STORE".center(55, " "))
    print("=" * 55); print(f"{'# ':<5}{'Item':<15}{'Item':<10}{'Order':<10}{'Order':>8}")
    print(f"{' ':<5}{'Name':<15}{'Price':<10}{'Quantity':<10}{'Price':>8}"); print("-" * 55)
    total_price = 0
    for idx, item in enumerate(cart):
        print(f"{idx + 1:<5}{item:<15}{'$':<2}{price[idx]:>2}{quantity[idx]:^15}{'$':>3} {gross_price[idx]:.2f}")
        total_price = total_price + gross_price[idx]
    tax = 10 if total_price > 4.99 else 11
    vat = total_price * tax / 100
    final_price = total_price + vat
    print("-" * 55); print("\t\t\t\t\tTotal Price           ", f"{'$':<1} {total_price:.2f}")
    print(f"\t\t\t\t\tVAT {tax}%               ", f"{'$':<1} {vat:.2f}")
    print("\t\t\t\t\tFinal Price           ", f"{'$':<1} {final_price:.2f}"); print()
    print("  Thank You  ".center(55, "="))
    return final_price

def order_process(userinput):
    userlist = [char.removesuffix("s") for char in userinput.lower().split()]
    fruit_cart = [item for item in userlist if item in dict_fruit]
    fruit_quantity = [int(num) for num in userlist if num.isdigit() and num != '0']
    if len(fruit_cart) != len(fruit_quantity) or len(fruit_quantity) == 0 or len(fruit_cart) == 0: return exit()
    fruit_price = [dict_fruit[item] for item in fruit_cart]
    gross_price = [qty * prc for qty, prc in zip(fruit_quantity, fruit_price)]
    return show_order(fruit_cart, fruit_quantity, fruit_price, gross_price)

order_process(voiceinput) if any(word in voiceinput for word in dict_fruit) else exit()

For the two words, I've tried spliting the first word and second word into separate 2 list (first_word and second_word) and iterating them with tuples (fruit_color and fruit_names) then join them at the end (join_word and fruit_cart), but it seems it's not the elegant way or solution since it works only on 2 words:

# two words only of dict keys    
dict_fruit = {"red apple": 2, "green apple": 2, "black grape": 5}
fruit_color = ('red', 'green', 'black')
fruit_names = ('apple', 'grape')

voiceinput = 'I want 3 green Apples 2 red apples and 1 black grape'

def order_process(userinput):
    userlist = [char.removesuffix("s") for char in userinput.lower().split()]
    first_word = [word for word in userlist if word in fruit_color]
    second_word = [word for word in userlist if word in fruit_names]
    if len(first_word) != len(second_word): return exit()
    join_word = [word for pair in zip(first_word, second_word) for word in pair]
    fruit_cart = [' '.join(word) for word in zip(join_word[0::2], join_word[1::2])]
    fruit_quantity = [int(num) for num in userlist if num.isdigit() and num != '0']
    if len(fruit_cart) != len(fruit_quantity) or len(fruit_quantity) == 0 or len(fruit_cart) == 0: return exit()
    elif not any(word in fruit_cart for word in dict_fruit): return exit()    
    fruit_price = [dict_fruit[item] for item in fruit_cart]
    gross_price = [qty * prc for qty, prc in zip(fruit_quantity, fruit_price)]
    return show_order(fruit_cart, fruit_quantity, fruit_price, gross_price)

order_process(voiceinput) if any(word in voiceinput for word in dict_fruit) else exit()

How if the strings and dict keys consists 1, 2, or more words like this:

dict_fruit = {"red apple": 2, "green apple": 1, "melon": 6, "mango": 3, "banana": 4, "black grape": 5}
voiceinput = 'I want 2 red Apples 3 mangos 1 melon and 4 black grapes'

then add the strings (voiceinput) if it exist in dict keys (dict_fruit) or vice-versa to a new list (fruit_cart) like below:

fruit_cart = ['red apple', 'mango', 'melon', 'black grape']

I know the code is messy, I'm new to python by the way.


  • This is a suitable job for regular expressions (regex).

    For dict_fruit = {"red apple": 2, "green apple": 1, "melon": 6, "mango": 3, "banana": 4, "black grape": 5},
    the appropriate regex would be
    (\d+) (red apple|green apple|melon|mango|banana|black grape),
    which can be built with
    f"(\\d+) ({'|'.join(dict_fruit.keys())})".

    import re
    dict_fruit = {"red apple": 2, "green apple": 1, "melon": 6, "mango": 3, "banana": 4, "black grape": 5}
    voiceinput = 'I want 1 apple 2 red Apples 3 mangos 1 melon and 4 black grapes'
    # dict_fruit = {"red apple": 2, "green apple": 1, "melon": 6, "mango": 3, "banana": 4, "black grape": 5}
    # voiceinput = 'I want 1 apple 2 red Apples 3 mangos 1 melon and 4 black grapes'
    # dict_fruit = {"apple": 1, "red apple": 2, "green apple": 1, "melon": 6, "mango": 3, "banana": 4, "black grape": 5}
    # voiceinput = 'I want 1 apple 2 red Apples 3 mangos 1 melon and 4 black grapes'
    def show_order(cart, quantity, price, gross_price):
        print(); print("PYTHON FRUIT STORE".center(55, " "))
        print("=" * 55); print(f"{'# ':<5}{'Item':<15}{'Item':<10}{'Order':<10}{'Order':>8}")
        print(f"{' ':<5}{'Name':<15}{'Price':<10}{'Quantity':<10}{'Price':>8}"); print("-" * 55)
        total_price = 0
        for idx, item in enumerate(cart):
            print(f"{idx + 1:<5}{item:<15}{'$':<2}{price[idx]:>2}{quantity[idx]:^15}{'$':>3} {gross_price[idx]:.2f}")
            total_price = total_price + gross_price[idx]
        tax = 10 if total_price > 4.99 else 11
        vat = total_price * tax / 100
        final_price = total_price + vat
        print("-" * 55); print("\t\t\t\t\tTotal Price           ", f"{'$':<1} {total_price:.2f}")
        print(f"\t\t\t\t\tVAT {tax}%               ", f"{'$':<1} {vat:.2f}")
        print("\t\t\t\t\tFinal Price           ", f"{'$':<1} {final_price:.2f}"); print()
        print("  Thank You  ".center(55, "="))
        return final_price
    def order_process(userinput):
        matches = re.findall(f"(\\d+) ({'|'.join(dict_fruit.keys())})", userinput.lower())
        fruit_quantity, fruit_cart = zip(*((int(quantity), fruit) for quantity, fruit in matches))
        fruit_price = [dict_fruit[item] for item in fruit_cart]
        gross_price = [qty * prc for qty, prc in zip(fruit_quantity, fruit_price)]
        return show_order(fruit_cart, fruit_quantity, fruit_price, gross_price)
    order_process(voiceinput) if any(word in voiceinput for word in dict_fruit) else exit()