I wrote an simple Binpacking problem in Cplex from here. My code is:
using CP;
int n=...;//Num item
range Item = 1..n;
range Bin = 1..n;
float c=...; //Volume Bin
float w_j=...; //Volume Item
//Decision variable
dvar boolean x[Bin][Item];
dvar boolean y[Bin];
// Objective
minimize sum (i in Bin) y[i];
// Constrains
subject to{
forall(i in Bin)
sum(j in Item) w_j[j]*x[i][j] <= c*y[i];
forall(j in Item)
sum(i in Bin) (x[i][j]) == 1;
writeln("Item are placed in Bin as:", x.solutionValue);
writeln("Error. solution not found");
For reading data:
SheetConnection sheetData("data1.xlsx");
c from SheetRead(sheetData, "Sheet1!D2");
w_j from SheetRead(sheetData, "Sheet1!B2:B11");
Which n is the number of Item from 1 to 10 , c is bin volume and is 10, and w_j is the volume of items which are [7,9,2,8,4,6,7,8,3,6] and they are saved in a data1.xlsx.
The error is in (w_j[j]*x[i][j])
Description Resource Path Location Type Not an array type.
I am sure there is no problem with accessing data because one time I removed that line and the code run correctly. Do you know where is the problem?
w_j is not a float but an array of float!
//using CP;
int n=...;
range Item = 1..n;
range Bin = 1..n;
float c[Bin]=...; //Volume Bin
float w_j[Item]=...; //Volume Item
//Decision variable
dvar boolean x[Bin][Item];
dvar boolean y[Bin];
// Objective
minimize sum (i in Bin) y[i];
// Constrains
subject to{
forall(i in Bin)
sum(j in Item) w_j[j]*x[i][j] <= c[i]*y[i];
forall(j in Item)
sum(i in Bin) (x[i][j]) == 1;
c=[1,2,3]; //Volume Bin
w_j=[1,2,3]; //Volume Item
work fine