@foreach($listings as $listing)
<x-listing-card :listing="$listings" />
the listing card is in the component file
I was expecting to get results from 'listing-card' blade file. but I got this error enter image description here
without a better understanding of your code, the first thing I see is the :listing=$listings
I would think you would want the individual item $listing from your foreach.
Secondly, The error states it can not find the class. Be wary of kabob-case vs CamelCase. It has bitten me a few times
Edit/Update addressing comment below:
You will have to go and look at your component blade file to check on your exact naming convention you are using. For example you have a class named SiteInfo and in the render section you would have it return something like : return view('components/site-info');
Your file and class being used will be SiteInfo.blade.php and the class in it will be: class SiteInfo extends Component
@foreach($listings as $listing)
<x-listing-card :listing="$listing" />
Your Class file would be something similar to:
class Listing-card extends Component
public $listing;
* Create a new component instance.
public function __construct($listing)
$this->listing = $listing;
* Get the view / contents that represent the component.
* @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View|\Closure|string
public function render()
return view('components.listing-card');
You might have to enable some logging at key points in your app and pull data. The laravel log /storage/logs/laravel.log is invaluable in find your mistakes.