Say I have some expensive class X
, and take this code:
X functor() {
X x;
//do stuff
return x;
int main() {
std::vector<X> vec;
return 0;
Which push_back
is more efficient? In the first case, won't the NRVO be activated and prevent the copy as the move does? Should I be relying on the NRVO instead of doing manual moving, since the NRVO is basically automatic moving?
Neither piece of code is more efficient; they do the exact same thing. And neither push_back
expression involves elision of any kind. The only actual elision happened back in the return
statement, which the push_back
expressions don't interact with.
In both push_back
expressions, the prvalue returned by the function will manifest a temporary. In the latter case, the temporary will be cast into an xvalue, but that doesn't represent any actual runtime changes. Both versions will call the same push_back
overload: the one which takes an rvalue reference. And therefore in both cases the return value will be moved from.