I am trying to make a plan that allows you to insert strings to a list until you type a certain keyword which then locks the list from further appending.
print("I will list everything you desire!")
list = []
while input("") != "stop":
shop_list = [list.append(i) for i in input("")]
Yet once I run this program, I get an output that has a few issues.
(amount of None
is per the number of inputs you give)
In addition to this, after the program finishes running I don't seem to get list
cleared. I don't understand why, considering that the clear function should do just as I intend.
Regarding the first problem, I assume it is due to incorrect use of input("")
in the extent of list comprehension.
And with the latter issue, I suppose I might have used clear function incorrectly. Although this is how I should use it.
You prob. can try this, as earlier comment pointed out your syntax is off... so it needs to be rewrite and corrected:
Note - in Python 3.8+you can change this line - while (item := input()) != 'stop':
print("I will list everything you desire!")
# L = []
shop_list = []
while True: # Loop continuously
item = input() # get the input - one item at a time (one line)
if item != 'stop': # not done yet....
print(f' the shop list: {shop_list}')
# Outputs Example: assuming typing each word by itself (one line each word)
# the shop list: ['apple ', 'orange', 'banana ']