I am using the library DryWetMIDI for .net 7 and I am trying to connect a MIDI output device to MAUI. When I connect a input device it seems to work fine but the only output from the outputdevice I could get was the following error: Internal error (OUT_SENDSHORTRESULT_INVALIDHANDLE). When I tried everything in a simple console application it works perfectly.
Also because of my lack in experience in Maui I don’t really know if I should change something in the project dependencies or in the builder. Or maybe declare the MIDI in the App or the Appshell...
So I tried to create a input device and a output device and connect them to eachother (This is what the DryWetMIDI suggested). Next I try to get the events from the input and the outup device, the input device works but the output device doesnt.
I use the following code where the ouput device doesnt work in Maui:
private InputDevice inputDevice;
private OutputDevice outputDevice;
private DevicesConnector devicesConnector;
void ConnectMidi()
//create input device
inputDevice = InputDevice.GetByName("Keystation Mini 32");
inputDevice.EventReceived += OnEventReceived;
//create ouput device;
outputDevice = OutputDevice.GetByName("Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth");
outputDevice.EventSent += OnEventSent;
//connect them
devicesConnector = inputDevice.Connect(outputDevice);
public void OnEventReceived(object sender, MidiEventReceivedEventArgs e)
var midiDevice = (MidiDevice)sender;
Debug.WriteLine("This gets called when a key is pressed") ;
public void OnEventSent(object sender, MidiEventReceivedEventArgs e)
var midiDevice = (MidiDevice)sender;
Debug.WriteLine("This gets never called");
If there is anohter solution using a diffrent library or something else I would love to hear it!
Hopefully this makes my problem clear and thanks in advance. (This is also my first post so feedback would also be nice)
I'm the author of the DryWetMIDI. I've analyzed the problem:
system Windows function which fails for Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth in a MAUI project but works for any other project types.I've reported the bug in MAUI repo: https://github.com/dotnet/maui/issues/12368. So what we have is to wait for response from Microsoft.
The bug has been moved to WinUI repo: https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/issues/8055. Also you can mark your project as Unpackaged and the issue should go away.