I would like to create a figure where the arcs only enter a node on the left hand side, and exit only from the right hand side.
I have created the following dot file, and its picture is shown below:
digraph net {
"C0" [shape=oval label="C0"]
"C1" [shape=oval label="C1"]
"B0" [shape=box label="B0"]
"C0" -> "B0"
"B0" -> "C1"
"C1" -> "B0"
But I would like to see the arc C1->B0 as exiting C1 from its right hand side, and curving (or even a rectangular arc) back to the left side of B0. How do I do that?
Use port positions (https://graphviz.org/docs/attr-types/portPos/) to specify tail & head positions.
Note the syntax including/excluding " character. (The "s are not needed for these node names)
digraph net {
"C0" [shape=oval label="C0"]
"C1" [shape=oval label="C1"]
"B0" [shape=box label="B0"]
"C0" -> "B0"
"B0" -> "C1"
"C1":e -> B0:w // note portpos with/without "s. Both work