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How to pay rent fee when creating solana wallet in nodejs

hello I create solana wallet with the following code on my nodejs server.

const SolanaWeb3 = require("@solana/web3.js"); 

I don't think this is an active wallet. Because I haven't paid the rent fee for this account.

**So I want to know when is the moment when this inactive account pays the rent fee. (I want to know if it is activated when a transaction in which sol is deposited into this account occurs, or whether this account should generate a transaction that sends solana to another place.)

And I want to know if there is a javascript function that gives rent fee when account is created.**

thank you for your reply.


  • To your second question

    And I want to know if there is a javascript function that gives rent fee when account is created

    Yes there is. Assuming you just want a system account that holds SOL versus an account that has data:

      // amount of space to reserve for the account. system accounts are 0 space
      const space = 0;
      // Get the rent, in lamports, for exemption
      const rentExemptionAmount =
        await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(space);

    To your first question

    If you already have a funded account (fromKeyPair), you can use that accounts public key to fund the new account you want to create:

      const newAccountKeypair = SolanaWeb3.Keypair.generate();
      const createAccountParams = {
        fromPubkey: fromKeyPair.publicKey,
        newAccountPubkey: newAccountKeypair.publicKey,
        lamports: rentExemptionAmount,
        programId: SolanaWeb3.SystemProgram.programId,
      const createAccountTransaction = new SolanaWeb3.Transaction().add(
      await SolanaWeb3.sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, createAccountTransaction, [