I am using pygsheets and have a column that I'd like to conditionally format so that its either a string ending in "@gmail.com" or a string ending in "@yahoo.com".
It seems to work for one but I am not sure how to extend this to 2 conditions.
I went through these resources and could not figure out how this would be done.
email (double conditional, gmail or yahoo) |
spread_sheet_id = "...insert...spreadsheet...id"
spreadsheet_name = "...spreadsheet_name..."
wks_name_or_pos = "...worksheet_name..."
spreadsheet = pygsheets.Spreadsheet(client=service,id=spread_sheet_id)
wksheet = spreadsheet.worksheet('title',wks_name_or_pos)
wksheet.cell('A1').set_text_format('bold', True).value = 'email (double conditional)'
wksheet.add_conditional_formatting(start='A2', end='A6',
format={'backgroundColor':{'red':0.6, 'green':0.9, 'blue':0.6, 'alpha':0}},
I thought that at TEXT_ENDS_WITH
, only one value can be used. In your situation, how about using a custom formula? When this is reflected in your script, how about the following modification?
wksheet.add_conditional_formatting(start='A2', end='A6',
format={'backgroundColor':{'red':0.6, 'green':0.9, 'blue':0.6, 'alpha':0}},
wksheet.add_conditional_formatting(start='A2', end='A6',
format={'backgroundColor':{'red':0.6, 'green':0.9, 'blue':0.6, 'alpha':0}},