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What exactly is the data parameter of the gluTessVertex()?

Reading the manual page of the gluTessVertex(), the definition goes like this:

void gluTessVertex( GLUtesselator* tess, GLdouble * location, void * data);

I would imagine that the location is the vertex and for data, at least to me, it sounds like that would be a pointer to my C++ object so I can handle the callback properly.

    Specifies an opaque pointer passed back to the program with the vertex callback (as specified by gluTessCallback).

However, I see that all the examples I can find use their vertex pointer for both parameters and even in my implementation, it works only if I do that:

gluTessVertex(tobj, polygon->at(p).f_coordinates, polygon->at(p).f_coordinates);

If I don't do that, the coordinates in my output are quite random. Yet, that's hardly an opaque pointer if the GLUT interprets the data pointer as a vertex of positions...

So my question is: Am I misunderstanding the documentation or is the documentation incorrect?

List of callbacks as defined in the gluTessCallback are:

void beginData( GLenum type, void *polygon_data );
void edgeFlagData( GLboolean flag, void *polygon_data );
void vertexData( void *vertex_data, void *polygon_data );
void endData( void *polygon_data );
void combineData( GLdouble coords[3], void *vertex_data[4], 
                  GLfloat weight[4], void **outData, 
                  void *polygon_data );
void errorData( GLenum errno, void *polygon_data );

My functions are defined as such:

static void tess_callback_edge(GLboolean edge, font_impl * impl);
static void tess_callback_begin(GLenum type, font_impl * impl);
static void tess_callback_vertex(GLdouble const * vertex, font_impl * impl);
static void tess_callback_combine(
                                  GLdouble coords[3]
                                , GLdouble * vertex_data[4]
                                , GLfloat weight[4]
                                , GLdouble ** out_data
                                , font_impl * impl);
static void tess_callback_end(font_impl * impl);
static void tess_callback_error(GLenum errCode, font_impl * impl);


  • Its a bit confusing, but if you follow through the Mesa source code for example and render.c

    The two parameters for vertexCallback are coming from different gluTess functions. By naming the parameters accordingly maybe this makes it clearer:

    static void vertexCallback(GLvoid* vertexData, GLvoid* polygonData);

    This is why it's common to just pass the pointer to the vertex but you could also just supply anything and use it accordingly in the vertexCallback.