I'm trying to implement element that can be div or button element
type customElement = HTMLDivElement | HTMLDivElement .....
const Element = React.forwardRef<customElement, somePropInterface>((props,ref)=>{
return <div ref={ref}
}else if(someCase2){
return <button ref={ref}
return <a ref={ref}
or Generic case
const Element = React.forwardRef((props,ref)=>{
return <T ref={ref}/> // element with T...
Problem is that it is not easy to type guard React.ref each case for typescript(div, a, button...)
I tried to use custom typeguard but not sure what to check for each element
function isDivRef(
ref: React.Ref<HTMLDivElement>,
element: "div" | "button"
): ref is React.Ref<HTMLDivElement> {
return ?????
I was facing the same issue in a project I'm working on. After trying a few different combinations using union types, I found out -- by trial and error -- that to use more than one type with React.forwardRef
, it's required to use an intersection instead of a union. This way:
const Element = React.forwardRef<HTMLAnchorElement & HTMLButtonElement, Props>(
(props, ref) => {
if (...) {
return <a ref={ref} ... />
return <button ref={ref} ... />