How can I pass a list of objecs from main to a class, as parameter?
I need to pass a list of employees to PayrollSystem class as a parameter.
Could someone help, please?
var index = 0
val employees = mutableListOf(SalaryEmployee(index, "blablabla", 0))
val x: String = "0"
while(true) {
print("Please enter employee name (0 to quit):")
var input = readLine()!!.toString()
if (input != x) {
print("Please enter salary:")
var wage = readLine()!!.toInt()
employees.add(SalaryEmployee(index, input, wage))
else {
employees.forEach {
SalaryEmployee(,, it.monthly_salary).print()
class PayrollSystem(list: MutableList<employee>) {
val temp = list
fun calculatePayroll(){
class SalaryEmployee(id: Int, name: String, val monthly_salary: Int) : Employee(id, name){
override val id = id
override val name = name
fun print() {
println("Id: $id Name: $name Salary: $monthly_salary")
open class Employee(open val id: Int, open val name: String) {
Here you are missing val
keyword in constructor params.
You can make as var
if you are reassigning the list again.
In kotlin constructor, if you don't define it would be a property of the particular class. So its not possible to access outside constructor.
class PayrollSystem(val list: MutableList<Employee>) {
fun calculatePayroll(){
//You can access it with list.someThing()