I have a graph where node/relations look like:
All Entity- and Attibute-nodes have a property called id_obj to identify each node Lets say I have an Entity with id_obj '111' (n:Entity {id_obj:'111'}) and wants to find all other Entity-nodes that has same Attributes as Entity-111 i.e find them having the same Attribute-nodes with same id_obj and rank the result (other Entity nodes) based on the number of same Attribute-nodes.... How do I do that?
I have been looking at: https://neo4j.com/docs/graph-data-science/current/algorithms/alpha/filtered-node-similarity/ but I cant figure out how I can start with one start node (Entity-111) and compare all others. In examples on page it seems like you comparing all nodes and rank them
You can filter the source node(s) by specifying on the sourceNodeFilter configuration parameter. The sourceNodeFilter can be a single node id (or a list of node ids) or single node (or a list of nodes) or a label.
In my example below, I will filter only 'Alice' in line #1 and call it alice.
MATCH (alice:Person) where alice.name = 'Alice'
CALL gds.alpha.nodeSimilarity.filtered.stream('myGraph', {sourceNodeFilter: alice, targetNodeFilter:'Singer' } )
YIELD node1, node2, similarity
RETURN gds.util.asNode(node1).name AS Person1, gds.util.asNode(node2).name AS Person2, similarity
ORDER BY similarity DESCENDING, Person1, Person2
│"Person1"│"Person2"│"similarity" │
│"Alice" │"Bob" │0.6666666666666666│
│"Alice" │"Carol" │0.3333333333333333│
Thus, in your example;
MATCH (n:Entity {id_obj:'111'})
CALL gds.alpha.nodeSimilarity.filtered.stream('yourGraph', {sourceNodeFilter: n, targetNodeFilter:'Entity' } )
and so on...