I have a mysql table which has 'username', 'acctstarttime' and 'acctstoptime'(and an 'id') datetime columns. I need to get records that its acctstarttime or acctstoptime between other 'acctstarttime' and 'acctstoptime' records with same username. For example 'John' has 3 records.
id | username | acctstarttime | acctstoptime |
1 | John | 29.12.2022 | 01.01.2023 |
2 | John | 30.12.2022 | 03.03.2023 |
3 | John | 12.12.2022 | 14.12.2022 |
Second rows acctstarttime is between first rows acctstarttime and acctstoptime and first rows acctstoptime is between second rows acctstarttime and acctstoptime. I want to query that 2 records.
I can do it with php but it takes about 3-4 days or more for 1 million records. I have very inefficient function.
How can i reduce this time in mysql or php(just speed up)?
I downloaded each record to different files based on username. I wrote this laravel code but it works too slow. It can be confusing.
function findRecordsBetweenSameHours()
$directory = storage_path() . "/app/";
$files = Storage::files('usernames');
foreach ($files as $file) {
$records =json_decode(file_get_contents($directory . $file), true);
foreach ($records as $record) {
$record["acctstarttime"] = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $record["acctstarttime"]);
$record["acctstoptime"] = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $record["acctstoptime"]);
foreach ($records as $record2) {
$record2["acctstarttime"] = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $record2["acctstarttime"]);
$record2["acctstoptime"] = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $record2["acctstoptime"]);
if (
($record2["acctstoptime"]->between($record["acctstarttime"], $record["acctstoptime"], false)
|| $record2["acctstarttime"]->between($record["acctstarttime"], $record["acctstoptime"], false)
&& $record2["acctsessionid"] != $record["acctsessionid"]
) {
$record["acctsessionid"] . " - " . $record2["acctsessionid"] . " - " . $record["username"]
You can write query like this
table_name t1
table_name t2 ON t1.username = t2.username
(t1.acctstarttime > t2.acctstarttime
AND t1.acctstarttime < t2.acctstoptime)
OR (t1.acctstoptime > t2.acctstarttime
AND t1.acctstoptime < t2.acctstoptime);