I have n curves that I draw using matplotlib's animation. Thanks to a previous question and the answer to it, this works well. Now I want to add some text in the plot which is continuously updated, basically the frame number, but I have no idea how to combine that object with the iterable of artists my animate function needs to return.
Here is my code:
import matplotlib.animation as anim
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
tracks = {}
xdata = {}
ydata = {}
n_tracks = 2
n_waypts = 100
for ii in range(n_tracks):
# generate fake data
lat_pts = np.linspace(10+ii*1,20+ii*1,n_waypts)
lon_pts = np.linspace(10+ii*.5,20+ii*.5,n_waypts)
tracks[str(ii)] = np.array( [lat_pts, lon_pts] )
xdata[str(ii)] = []
ydata[str(ii)] = []
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot( 1,1,1, aspect='equal', xlim=(0,30), ylim=(0,30) )
plt_tracks = [ax1.plot([], [], marker=',', linewidth=1)[0] for _ in range(n_tracks)]
plt_lastPos = [ax1.plot([], [], marker='o', linestyle='none')[0] for _ in range(n_tracks)]
plt_text = ax1.text(25, 25, '')
def animate(i):
# x and y values to be plotted
for jj in range(n_tracks):
xdata[str(jj)].append( tracks[str(jj)][1,i] )
ydata[str(jj)].append( tracks[str(jj)][0,i] )
# update x and y data
for jj in range(n_tracks):
plt_tracks[jj].set_data( xdata[str(jj)], ydata[str(jj)] )
plt_lastPos[jj].set_data( xdata[str(jj)][-1], ydata[str(jj)][-1] )
return plt_tracks + plt_lastPos
anim = anim.FuncAnimation( fig, animate, frames=n_waypts, interval=20, blit=True, repeat=False )
Simply changing the return statement to something like return (plt_tracks + plt_lastPos), plt_text
or return (plt_tracks + plt_lastPos), plt_text,
does not work. So how do I combine those artists correctly?
The animate
function must return an iterable of artists (where an artist is a thing to draw as a result of a plot-call for example). plt_tracks
is such an iterable, as well as plt_lastPost
. plt_text
, however, is a single artist. A possible solution to make the code work is thus changing the return
statement to
return plt_tracks + plt_lastPos + [plt_text]
Alternatively, one could also write
return tuple(plt_tracks + plt_lastPos) + (plt_text,)