I have a function that will dynamicaly window.open()
to a specific resource.
I would like to remove the "about:blank" that appears while the page load and display a loading message.
Is it possible ?
Here is my function :
const windowReference = window.open();
try {
AppProductAuthenticationApi.getUrlAccess(apuaId, query).then((res: {urlAccess: string} | undefined | null) => {
if (res && res.urlAccess) {
windowReference &&
(windowReference.location = `${res.urlAccess}${
null !== queryString && typeof queryString !== "undefined" ? queryString : ""
} else {
windowReference && windowReference.close();
Yes, it is possible to remove the "about:blank" page and display a loading message while the page is loading. Here is one way you could do this:
Add an event listener to the load event of the new window.
windowReference.addEventListener('load', () => { Do something when the page has finished loading });
Inside the event listener function, you can use the windowReference.document property to access the document object of the new window:
windowReference.addEventListener('load', () => {
windowReference.document.body.innerHTML = '';
windowReference.document.body.innerHTML = '<h1>Loading...</h1>';