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Display name is empty for tensor flow lite model generated using teachable machine

I am using teachable machine to do generate a tensorflow-lite model and using that model in my android app. The result from tensor flow lite model shows display name as empty. Below is a screenshot of my teachable-machine process. I have added Cats and Dogs as name though other values like index, label, score are displayed properly. Here is a sample of the output after detection

<Category "1" (displayName= score=0.99609375 index=1)>

Here is my code snippet

class ImageClassifierHelper(
    var threshold: Float = 0.5f,
    var numThreads: Int = 2,
    var maxResults: Int = 2,
    var currentDelegate: Int = 0,
    var currentModel: Int = 0,
    val context: Context,
    val imageClassifierListener: ClassifierListener?
) {
    private var imageClassifier: ImageClassifier? = null

    init {

    fun clearImageClassifier() {
        imageClassifier = null

    private fun setupImageClassifier() {
        val optionsBuilder = ImageClassifier.ImageClassifierOptions.builder()

        val baseOptionsBuilder = BaseOptions.builder().setNumThreads(numThreads)

        when (currentDelegate) {
            DELEGATE_CPU -> {
                // Default
            DELEGATE_GPU -> {
                if (CompatibilityList().isDelegateSupportedOnThisDevice) {
                } else {
                    imageClassifierListener?.onError("GPU is not supported on this device")
            DELEGATE_NNAPI -> {


        val modelName =
            when (currentModel) {
                MODEL_MOBILENETV1 -> "model.tflite"
                MODEL_EFFICIENTNETV0 -> "model.tflite"
                MODEL_EFFICIENTNETV1 -> "model.tflite"
                MODEL_EFFICIENTNETV2 -> "model.tflite"
                else -> "model.tflite"

        try {
            imageClassifier =
                ImageClassifier.createFromFileAndOptions(context, modelName,
        } catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
                "Image classifier failed to initialize. See error logs for details"
            Log.e(TAG, "TFLite failed to load model with error: " + e.message)

    fun classify(image: Bitmap, rotation: Int) {
        if (imageClassifier == null) {

        // Inference time is the difference between the system time at the start and finish of the
        // process
        var inferenceTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis()

        // Create preprocessor for the image.
        // See
        //            lite_support#imageprocessor_architecture
        val imageProcessor =

        // Preprocess the image and convert it into a TensorImage for classification.
        val tensorImage = imageProcessor.process(TensorImage.fromBitmap(image))

        val imageProcessingOptions = ImageProcessingOptions.builder()

        val results = imageClassifier?.classify(tensorImage, imageProcessingOptions)
        inferenceTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - inferenceTime

    // Receive the device rotation (Surface.x values range from 0->3) and return EXIF orientation
    private fun getOrientationFromRotation(rotation: Int) : ImageProcessingOptions.Orientation {
        return when (rotation) {
            Surface.ROTATION_270 ->
            Surface.ROTATION_180 ->
            Surface.ROTATION_90 ->
            else ->

    interface ClassifierListener {
        fun onError(error: String)
        fun onResults(
            results: List<Classifications>?,
            inferenceTime: Long

    companion object {
        const val DELEGATE_CPU = 0
        const val DELEGATE_GPU = 1
        const val DELEGATE_NNAPI = 2
        const val MODEL_MOBILENETV1 = 0
        const val MODEL_EFFICIENTNETV0 = 1
        const val MODEL_EFFICIENTNETV1 = 2
        const val MODEL_EFFICIENTNETV2 = 3

        private const val TAG = "ImageClassifierHelper"

I don't think issue is with my android app code but with the model generated from teachable machine.

enter image description here


  • The model only outputs as numbers, each of the unique number representing a category.

    In the above example, you need to create a map that assigns a Category to display name: {'0': 'Cat', '1': 'dog'}.