I'm thinking of creating a multilingual web page with fastapi-babel.
I have configured according to the documentation. The translation from English to French was successful. However, I created a .po file for another language, translated it, compiled it, but the translated text does not apply.
from fastapi_babel import _
from fastapi_babel.middleware import InternationalizationMiddleware as I18nMiddleware
from fastapi_babel import Babel
from fastapi_babel import BabelConfigs
configs = BabelConfigs(
logger.info(f"configs: {configs.__dict__}")
babel = babel(configs)
app.add_middleware(I18nMiddleware, babel=babel)
@app.get("/items/{id}", response_class=HTMLResponse)
async def read_item(request: Request, id: str):
babel.locale = "en"
logger.info(_("Hello World"))
babel. locale = "fa"
logger.info(_("Hello World"))
babel.locale = "ja"
logger.info(_("Hello World"))
return templates.TemplateResponse('item.html', {'request': request, 'id': id})
Above, the result will be:
INFO: Hello World
INFO: Bonjour le monde
INFO: Hello World
How can the translation be applied to languages other than French?
I was using the old version 0.0.3
When I changed the version to the latest 0.0.8
, the translation was reflected in languages other than French.
pip install fastapi-babel==0.0.8
You need restart FastAPI server, after pybabel compile -d lang
and babel.locale
is same, it doesn't translate.
babel = Babel(
babel.locale = "en"
Run this 2 commands.
pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o messages.pot .
pybabel compile -d lang
Please don't run this command after you create .po file.
pybabel init -i messages.pot -d lang -l fa
If you run, your po file will be reset. (Delete all your translations.)