I'm trying to recursively read a file in Deno using Deno.readDir
, but the example they provide only does the folder given:
for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(Deno.cwd())) {
How can I make this recursive?
Deno's standard library includes a function called walk
for this purpose. It's available in std/fs/walk.ts
. Here's an example:
import { walk } from "https://deno.land/std@0.170.0/fs/walk.ts";
for await (const walkEntry of walk(Deno.cwd())) {
const type = walkEntry.isSymlink
? "symlink"
: walkEntry.isFile
? "file"
: "directory";
console.log(type, walkEntry.path);
Running in the terminal:
% pwd
% ls -AF
.vscode/ deno.jsonc deno.lock main.ts
% ls -AF .vscode
% deno --version
deno 1.29.1 (release, x86_64-apple-darwin)
typescript 4.9.4
% deno run --allow-read main.ts
directory /Users/deno/so-74953935
file /Users/deno/so-74953935/main.ts
file /Users/deno/so-74953935/deno.jsonc
file /Users/deno/so-74953935/deno.lock
directory /Users/deno/so-74953935/.vscode
file /Users/deno/so-74953935/.vscode/settings.json