I would like to parse numbers that have a leading zero.
I tried readr::parse_number
, however, it omits the leading zero.
#> [1] 2
Created on 2022-12-30 with reprex v2.0.2
The desired output would be 02
The simplest and most naive would be:
gsub("\\D", "", "thankyouverymuch02")
[1] "02"
The regex special "\\d"
matches a single 0-9 character only; the inverse is "\\D"
which matches a single character that is anything except 0-9.
If you have strings with multiple patches of numbers and you want them to be distinct, neither parse_number
nor this simple gsub
is going to work.
gsub("\\D", "", vec)
# [1] "02" "0302"
For that, it must always return a list
(since we don't necessarily know a priori how may elements have 0, 1 or more number-groups).
vec <- c("thankyouverymuch02", "thank03youverymuch02")
regmatches(vec, gregexpr("\\d+", vec))
# [[1]]
# [1] "02"
# [[2]]
# [1] "03" "02"
#### equivalently
stringr::str_extract_all(vec, "\\d+")
# [[1]]
# [1] "02"
# [[2]]
# [1] "03" "02"