good afternoon.
I have the following question: I can delete a parameter contained in a keyword in .resource file, but doing this action in my test .robot file? I tried with the Remove From Dictionary, but this keyword works only when i'm the same file...
.resource File
*** Keywords ***
&{BODY} Create Dictionary
... userSystemName=${USER_SYSTEM_NAME}
... ispbPsp=${ISPB_PSP}
... isSystem=${TRUE}
Set Suite Variable &{BODY}
.robot File
*** Test Cases ***
Test Start
In my test case I want to exclude the "ispbPsp" param before send the request (RequestLibrary).
I can this?
Thanks very much!!!!!!!
You can use the keyword Remove From Dictionary in a copy of the variable
*** Test Cases ***
Test Start
${bodycopy}= ${BODY}
Remove From Dictionary ${bodycopy} ispbPsp
Do Something With ${bodycopy}