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MongoDB Graph: Find A and B where A->B exists but B->A doesn't

I need to find a query where the statement in the title holds true with the training_sample db of mongodb. This is the data structure (directional graph):

    _id: ObjectId("56e9b39c732b6122f878f882"),
    airline: { id: 3778, name: 'Oman Air', alias: 'WY', iata: 'OMA' },
    src_airport: 'LHR',
    dst_airport: 'MCT',
    codeshare: '',
    stops: 0,
    airplane: 333

How do I do this?


  • One option is to use $lookup:

    1. Using the $lookup pipeline to add to each document the opposite directions if exists
    2. $match only documents with empty opposite field
      {$lookup: {
          from: "training_sample",
          let: {
            src_airport: "$src_airport",
            dst_airport: "$dst_airport"
          pipeline: [
            {$match: {
                $expr: {$and: [
                    {$eq: ["$src_airport", "$$dst_airport"]},
                    {$eq: ["$$src_airport", "$dst_airport"]}
          as: "opposite"
      {$match: {"opposite.0": {$exists: false}}},
      {$unset: "opposite"}

    See how it works on the playground example