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PyDev: Python: Unresolved Import or ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package

tl;dr How should I correctly use relative modules in PyDev?

If I use: from . import myModule I get the following error: ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package

However... If I just use: import myModule the project will run, but PyDev flags the line and file with Unresolved Import: myModule

The package has an although its contents are empty

Edit: screenshot of PyDev Explorer structure added as requested by @Fabio Zadrozny

PyDev Explorer


  • The problem is that it depends on how you run the script... by default PyDev will run the file directly, but in this case you want to run the file with -m <module-name>.

    PyDev can do that automatically if you go to PyDev > Run and enable the related setting:

    Setting to run with -m

    p.s.: either you have to use the relative import and launch with -m or you can just use the full import (which in this particular case would be from pkg_BootMeUPY import in_constrains_ini as const -- in which case it'd work regardless of how you launch the file).