I'm trying to create E2E test using cypress on my Vue site. I'm using cypress 11.0.
When I try using .type() on my data input field I got an error like on screen.
cy.get(':nth-child(3) > .form-control').type("1999-02-01", { force: true })
It worked onece, but now it doesn't. I've tried .click(), .focus() before .type(). I've cleared chrome cashe and re-run cypress many times.
It's my first question on stack :P
I've tried every easy solution. I'm expecting input a data to date field using cypress type or by click on date input.
It always depends on the Date field UI.
If it is with an input tag you can try
cy.get(':nth:child(3) > .form-control').clear().type('1999-02-01')
If not, it might be the date picker type. You can try to click it on the field and add the additional script.
cy.get(':nth:child(3) > .form-control').click()