How return linq query below this
public SewaPeralatan FindByNotaSewa(string notaSewa)
var dataSewa =
from sp in _context.SewaPeralatan
join spd in _context.SewaPeralatanDetails on sp.Id equals spd.SpId
where sp.NotaSewa == notaSewa
select new { sp, spd };
return dataSewa.FirstOrDefault();
the return get error like this
"Cannot implicitly convert type '<anonymous type: SYN.Models.SewaPeralatan sp, SYN.Models.SewaPeralatanDetail spd>' to 'SYN.Models.SewaPeralatan'"
What I expect from the return is to be able to get data from the SewaPeralatanDetail table The SewaPeralatanDetail table contains details from the SewaPeralatan Table
if you are using EF you can use linq like this to return SewaParlatan
public SewaPeralatan FindByNotaSewa(string notaSewa)
var dataSewa =
.Where(b => b.NotaSewa == notaSewa)
.Include(b => b.SewaPeralatanDetails)
return dataSewa;