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Springboot with Graphql error with "Consider defining a bean of type '{component name}' in your configuration."

I am using Spring boot with graphql and rest. While adding graphql component I used annotation like this.


@Controller // <------ with this annotation
class AController( 
    @Autowired val aRepository: ARepository,
    @Autowired val aService: AService


@Service // <------ with this annotation
class AService (


interface ARepository: JpaRepository<A, Long> {

But got these errors

The injection point has the following annotations:
    - @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)


Consider defining a bean of type '{component name}' in your configuration.

It only happens when using test

internal class ControllerTest {
    fun healthCheck() {

I understand I can use ComponentSacn but I want to know why this happend. Because this package was place along with other components witch @ComponentScanner works well.

My structure is like this. material works well while it cannot scan bakeryReview enter image description here

I think I used component annotations okay, and package structure is okay. 😭 Maybe test is the problem?


  • My bad!! 😂 There's nothing wrong with annotation nor structure. For those who see this question, It was WebMvcTest. WebMvcTest needs component to be mocked, because it only injects web-related components like @Controller. So it omits other components like @Service or @Repository.

    I added these and it works okay.

    lateinit var aService: AService
    lateinit var aRepository: ARepository