With command help
or its alias man
, we can display the docs of a command in shell. But how to browse it? I found we can go to next line by pressing <Enter>
or jump by <p>
, but how to page up?
You just scroll with your mouse.
I know, I know, you come potentially from another platform (where you always want fingers on the keyboard) and want that here.
Well, life often does not give us what we may want. ;-}, so, we have to deal with what is. ;-}
Yet, in the Windows Terminal using the WinPS or PSCore console, you just use the hotkeys:
Crtl+Shift+up arrow
Crtl+Shift+down arrow
It's actually the help files, shortcut listing.
If you feel TLDR regarding the MS PS docs, just as the console for a list:
For example for PSReadLine which is in WinPS and PSCore.
Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler |
Format-Table -Property Key, Function -Autosize
Or use Out-GridView to filter what you'd need to learn to use:
Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler |
Out-GridView -Title 'Consolehost Keyboard Shortcuts'
The WinPS ISE has a similar command to see all the keyboard shortcuts there as well.