I found bluelinky on github and now I want to store some of the data into an SQL database on my synology. I'm can query the data which I want to have, but I have no idea how to structure it and move into a database.
Console.log looks like this:
timeRaw: '160543',
start: 2022-12-22T15:05:43.000Z,
end: 2022-12-22T15:10:43.000Z,
durations: { drive: 5, idle: 1 },
speed: { avg: 34, max: 57 },
distance: 2
timeRaw: '081630',
start: 2022-12-22T07:16:30.000Z,
end: 2022-12-22T07:20:30.000Z,
durations: { drive: 4, idle: 1 },
speed: { avg: 41, max: 82 },
distance: 2
Do you know a way how to put this result into a database? As this result depends on how often I drive in one day, so the result blocks can be zero, or also 5.
Update 25 dec 2022: In the meantime I was able to flatten the data, as suggested by StefanBD. Only open thing: How throw the data into a MariaDB database.
Update 27 dec 2022:
I found out how to input values into a mariadb. Now I need help to import a result from a loop. To be more specific, below stated result need to be moved to mariadb.
//Bluelinky verbinden
const BlueLinky = require("bluelinky");
const { isThisTypeNode } = require("typescript");
const client = new BlueLinky({
username: '*****************',
password: '*************',
brand: 'hyundai', // 'hyundai', 'kia'
region: '**', // 'US', 'EU', 'CA'
pin: '********'
// called when the client logs in successfully
client.on("ready", async () => {
const vehicle = client.getVehicle("**************");
//const trpInfo = await vehicle.tripInfo({year: new Date().getFullYear(), month: new Date().getMonth()+1, day: new Date().getDate()});
const trpInfo = await vehicle.tripInfo({year: 2022, month: 12, day: 4});
if (trpInfo != '')
//Erstelle Datum
const tripdaydateraw = trpInfo[0].dayRaw.slice(4,6) + '/' + trpInfo[0].dayRaw.slice(6,8) + '/' + trpInfo[0].dayRaw.slice(0,4);
const tripdaydate = trpInfo[0].dayRaw.slice(0,4) + '-' + trpInfo[0].dayRaw.slice(4,6) + '-' + trpInfo[0].dayRaw.slice(6,8);
const tripdayname = new Date(tripdaydateraw).toLocaleDateString('de-de', {weekday: 'long'});
//Erstelle Anzahl der Fahrten
const tripdayCnt = trpInfo[0].tripsCount;
//Erstelle Tagesdistanz
const tripdayDistance = trpInfo[0].distance;
//Erstelle Tagedurchschnittsgeschwindigkeit
const tripdayavgSpeed = trpInfo[0].speed.avg;
//Erstelle maximale Tagesgeschwindigkeit
const tripdaymaxSpeed = trpInfo[0].speed.max;
// Errechne Anzahl der Fahrten
let i = 0, n = tripdayCnt - 1
while(i <= n) {
//Restliche Werte definieren
//Erstelle Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit Fahrt
const tripavgSpeed = trpInfo[0].trips[i].speed.avg;
//Erstelle maximal Fahrgeschwindigkeit
const tripmaxSpeed = trpInfo[0].trips[i].speed.max;
const strttimstamp = trpInfo[0].trips[i].start;
const endtimstamp = trpInfo[0].trips[i].end;
const strtdate = strttimstamp.toLocaleDateString();
//toLocaleTimeString konvertiert GMT + 1, Startzeit
const strtime = strttimstamp.toLocaleTimeString();
const enddate = endtimstamp.toLocaleDateString();
//toLocaleTimeString konvertiert GMT + 1, Endzeit
const endtime = endtimstamp.toLocaleTimeString();
// Fahrzeit von Minuten in das Format hh:mm umwandeln
function toHoursAndMinutes(totalMinutes) {
const minutes = totalMinutes % 60;
const hours = Math.floor(totalMinutes / 60);
return `${padTo2Digits(hours)}:${padTo2Digits(minutes)}`;
function padTo2Digits(num) {
return num.toString().padStart(2, '0');
//Fahrzeit in Minuten
const drvtime = toHoursAndMinutes(trpInfo[0].trips[i].durations.drive);
const drvdistance = trpInfo[0].trips[i].distance
//Werte Ausgeben
//const tripinfodata = tripdaydate + ';' + tripdayCnt + ';' + tripdayDistance + ';' + tripdayavgSpeed + ';' + tripdaymaxSpeed + ';' + tripavgSpeed + ';' + tripmaxSpeed + ';' + strtime + ';' + endtime + ';' + drvtime + ';' + drvdistance + ';' + tripdayname + ';;';
const tripinfodata = tripdaydate + ',"' + tripdayCnt + '","' + tripdayDistance + '","' + tripdayavgSpeed + '","' + tripdaymaxSpeed + '","' + tripavgSpeed + '","' + tripmaxSpeed + '","' + strtime + '","' + endtime + '","' + drvtime + '","' + drvdistance + '","' + tripdayname + '";"";';
//SQL Statement bauen
.then(conn => {
conn.query("INSERT INTO nightfury_trips (tripdaydate, tripdayCnt, tripdayDistance, tripdayavgSpeed, tripdaymaxSpeed, tripavgSpeed, tripmaxSpeed, strtime, endtime, drvtime_minutes, drvdistance, tripdayname) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", [tripdaydate, tripdayCnt, tripdayDistance, tripdayavgSpeed, tripdaymaxSpeed, tripavgSpeed, tripmaxSpeed, strtime, endtime, drvtime_minutes, drvdistance, tripdayname])
.then((rows) => {
console.log(rows); //[ {val: 1}, meta: ... ]
.catch(err => {
//handle error
}).catch(() => {
//not connected
i += 1;}};
Update 28.12.2022
I did it. Just had to add the insert statement before the end of the loop line and the it works; the pool.end command need be added after the loop.
Update 01.01.2023 Added the missing code
Update 28.12.2022 I did it. Just had to add the insert statement before the end of the loop line and the it works; the pool.end command need be added after the loop.