I have some duplicated records in my database with different Ids, like:
id | title | date |flag |
2099|Test |2022-11-29 00:00:00| 1 |
2100|Test |2022-11-29 00:00:00| 1 |
2101|Test |2022-11-29 00:00:00| 1 |
2102|Test |2022-11-29 00:00:00| 1 |
and this is the code to get all records from my database:
event_get = Event.query.filter(Event.flag == 1)
result = events_schema.dump(event_get)
data = dict(event=result)
I wanna distinct the results by title and date, so as the example with four records, I would have all of them with the same title and date, returning only one record
I did not find a way of do this with sqlalchemy, is It possible or I would need to use a alternative code in the returned list?
Pass the columns to distinct()
to generate distinct on like this:
events = session.query(Event).distinct(Event.title, Event.date).filter(Event.flag == 1).all()
This uses a subquery that finds the smallest id for each group of title/date. The main query then only returns events with ids in that subquery. I guess check and see if this works in mysql. My small test seems to work.
from sqlalchemy.sql import select, func
subq = select(func.min(Event.id)).group_by(Event.title, Event.date)
events = session.query(Event).where(Event.id.in_(subq)).all()
Also if you just need those exact values you can probably just use regular DISTINCT
like this:
for (title, date) in session.query(Event.title, Event.date).distinct().all():
print (title, date)