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How to create a ROS2 custom message that contains sensor_msgs/Image image?

I created ROS2 custom message that contains sensor_msgs/Image.

int64 id
int64 num
sensor_msgs/Image image

inside the python code, when I call this message from tutorial_interfaces.msg import Cropimage , I always got this error :

raise UnsupportedTypeSupport(pkg_name) rosidl_generator_py.import_type_support_impl.UnsupportedTypeSupport: Could not import 'rosidl_typesupport_c' for package 'tutorial_interfaces'

If I do not add sensor_msgs/Image image on the message, I do not get this error. Where is my problem, could you help me?


  • You can create you custom message following below steps,

    mkdir ~/ros2_ws/src
    # Create a custom_msg package
    cd ~/ros2_ws/src && ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake custom_msg --dependencies rclcpp std_msgs rosidl_default_generators
    mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src/custom_msg/msg/
    # Create a LogTf.msg
    touch ~/ros2_ws/src/custom_msg/msg/Cropimage.msg

    Cropimage.msg content,

    int64 id
    int64 num
    sensor_msgs/Image image

    Add the following lines to CMakeLists.txt,

    # Add after BUILD_TESTING endif()

    Add the following lines to to package.xml,

    # Add after <depend>std_msgs</depend> line

    Now compile and Run,

    # Compile and Run,
    cd ~/ros2_ws
    colcon build --packages-select custom_msg #Compilation
    source install/setup.zsh

    Now you can import it in your python code,

    from custom_msg.msg import Cropimage"

    You can refer this post,