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How to retrieve results that contain JSON from SQLite for use in a jinja template?

I have a SQLite DB that I query like this:

 products = cursor.execute(
Select Item,EntryDate,json_group_array(json_object('color',P.option)) as colorarray

The results of products can look like this

[('dress', '2022-12-27 00:00:00', '[{"color":"blue"},{"color":"green"}]')]

In my jinja template I try to loop over the JSON, but my data is treated like a string and printed out 1 character at a time.

    {% for color in products[2] %}
    {{ color }}
    {% endfor %}

What is the proper way to get this done? I can change my SQLite query to not use json_group_array if there is a more idiomatic option. Also I would rather refer to my data by column names (ex products.colorarray) if possible.

I've tried this query with SQLite and also tried mocking the data.


  • As said in the comments, products[0][2] is a string, in fact SQLite's json_object() returns a serialized JSON, and beacuse strings are iterables you're noticing this:

    In my jinja template I try to loop over the JSON, but my data is treated like a string and printed out 1 character at a time.

    deserialize products[0][2] with json.loads() .

    Also I would rather refer to my data by column names (ex products.colorarray) if possible.

    Jinja can read a dictionary like this:

    d = {
       "item": products[0][0],
       "timestamp": products[0][1],
       "colorarray": json.loads(products[0][2])

    then get access by the colorarray key:

    {% for color in d["colorarray"] %}
        {{ color["color"] }}
    {% endfor %}