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Aggregate difference between time ranges in Postgres

I'm on Postgres 15 and using the multirange type to aggregate overlapping time ranges into islands:

CREATE TABLE time_entries (
    id bigint NOT NULL,
    contract_id bigint,
    "from" timestamp(6) without time zone,
    "to" timestamp(6) without time zone,
    type varchar,
    range tsrange GENERATED ALWAYS AS (tsrange("from", "to")) STORED

INSERT INTO time_entries VALUES (1, 1, '2022-12-07T09:00', '2022-12-07T10:00', 'billed');
INSERT INTO time_entries VALUES (2, 1, '2022-12-07T08:00', '2022-12-07T10:30', 'punch_clock');

INSERT INTO time_entries VALUES (1, 1, '2022-12-07T12:00', '2022-12-07T12:30', 'billed');
INSERT INTO time_entries VALUES (2, 1, '2022-12-07T11:30', '2022-12-07T12:15', 'punch_clock');

INSERT INTO time_entries VALUES (2, 1, '2022-12-07T13:00', '2022-12-07T13:30', 'billed');
INSERT INTO time_entries VALUES (2, 1, '2022-12-07T13:15', '2022-12-07T13:45', 'punch_clock');

INSERT INTO time_entries VALUES (2, 1, '2022-12-07T14:00', '2022-12-07T15:00', 'punch_clock');

SELECT contract_id, unnest(range_agg(range)) AS range FROM time_entries GROUP BY contract_id;

Working db<>fiddle:

This results in these merged time ranges:

contract_id range
1 ["2022-12-07 08:00:00","2022-12-07 10:30:00")
1 ["2022-12-07 11:30:00","2022-12-07 12:30:00")
1 ["2022-12-07 13:00:00","2022-12-07 13:45:00")
1 ["2022-12-07 14:00:00","2022-12-07 15:00:00")

But now, I need another metric: The unbilled hours of a tracking. I have two types of entries punch_clock and billed. The former is a tracker that runs in the background when they are working, and the latter is a parallel tracker that runs for specific projects.

How could I calculate the difference between the overlapping punch_clock and billed entries?

The desired result would be:

contract_id unbilled
1 ["2022-12-07 08:00:00","2022-12-07 09:00:00")
1 ["2022-12-07 10:00:00","2022-12-07 10:30:00")
1 ["2022-12-07 11:30:00","2022-12-07 12:00:00")
1 ["2022-12-07 13:30:00","2022-12-07 13:45:00")
1 ["2022-12-07 14:00:00","2022-12-07 15:00:00")

I played around by grouping by type, but it seems there is no range_difference_agg aggregation function for multiranges, only range_agg for union and range_intersect_agg for intersections:


  • First I suggest you to change the definition of the time_entries table so that to replace the type tsrange of the range column by tsmultirange :

    CREATE TABLE time_entries (
        id bigint NOT NULL,
        contract_id bigint,
        "from" timestamp(6) without time zone,
        "to" timestamp(6) without time zone,
        type varchar,
        range tsmultirange GENERATED ALWAYS AS (tsmultirange(tsrange("from", "to"))) STORED

    Then, according to the data sample you provide, you don't need an aggregate function. A self-join query should provide the expected result :

    SELECT p.contract_id, unnest(CASE WHEN b.range IS NULL THEN p.range ELSE p.range - b.range END) AS unbilled
      FROM ( SELECT contract_id, range FROM time_entries WHERE type = 'punch_clock') AS p
      LEFT JOIN (SELECT contract_id, range FROM time_entries WHERE type = 'billed') AS b
        ON p.contract_id = b.contract_id
       AND p.range && b.range

    Result :

    contract_id unbilled
    1 ["2022-12-07 08:00:00","2022-12-07 09:00:00")
    1 ["2022-12-07 10:00:00","2022-12-07 10:30:00")
    1 ["2022-12-07 11:30:00","2022-12-07 12:00:00")
    1 ["2022-12-07 13:30:00","2022-12-07 13:45:00")
    1 ["2022-12-07 14:00:00","2022-12-07 15:00:00")

    This query will work while only one 'billed' timerange intersects with one 'punch_clock' time range. If several 'billed' timeranges may intersect the same 'punch_clock' time range, then you will need to create your own aggregate function based on the multirange difference operator :

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION multirange_diff (x anymultirange, y anymultirange, z anymultirange)
    RETURNS anymultirange LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $$
    CREATE OR REPLACE AGGREGATE multirange_diff_agg(anymultirange, anymultirange)
    ( stype = anymultirange, sfunc = multirange_diff) ;

    The query using the new aggregate function is :

    SELECT p.contract_id, unnest(multirange_diff_agg(p.range, b.range)) AS unbilled
      FROM ( SELECT contract_id, range FROM time_entries WHERE type = 'punch_clock') AS p
      LEFT JOIN (SELECT contract_id, range FROM time_entries WHERE type = 'billed') AS b
        ON p.contract_id = b.contract_id
       AND p.range && b.range
     GROUP BY p.contract_id, p.range

    As an example, after having inserted the new row in table time_entries :

    INSERT INTO time_entries VALUES (1, 1, '2022-12-07T10:10', '2022-12-07T10:20', 'billed');

    The result of the above query is :

    contract_id unbilled
    1 ["2022-12-07 08:00:00","2022-12-07 09:00:00")
    1 ["2022-12-07 10:00:00","2022-12-07 10:10:00")
    1 ["2022-12-07 10:20:00","2022-12-07 10:30:00")
    1 ["2022-12-07 11:30:00","2022-12-07 12:00:00")
    1 ["2022-12-07 13:30:00","2022-12-07 13:45:00")
    1 ["2022-12-07 14:00:00","2022-12-07 15:00:00")


    Even when several 'billed' timeranges intersect the same 'punch_clock' time range, you don't need an aggregate function. The following query should provide the expected result :

    SELECT contract_id
         , unnest ( range_agg(range) FILTER (WHERE type = 'punch_clock')
                  - range_agg(range) FILTER (WHERE type = 'billed')
                  ) AS unbilled
      FROM time_entries
     GROUP BY contract_id

    see the test result in dbfiddle

    for more information about creating an aggregate function see the manual