Input of the step - How to Modify the input of the step in a step function from this:
"A": "X",
"B": "Y",
"C": [
and convert into this
"A": "X",
"B": "Y",
"C": [
"Z": "Z1"
"Z": "Z2"
"Z": "Z3"
using ASL or C# CDK. I tried to convert an array of strings to an array of elements using:
"Modify Input": {
"Type": "Pass",
"Parameters": {
"A": "$.A",
"B": "$.B",
"C": [
"Z": "States.array($.C)"
Append .$
to the key name if the value is a JsonPath substitution. Without it, Step Functions treats the value as a string literal. Use the States.ArrayGetItem
intrinsic function to pick items at an index:
"A.$": "$.A",
"B.$": "$.B",
"C": [
{ "Z.$": "States.ArrayGetItem($.C,0)" },
{ "Z.$": "States.ArrayGetItem($.C,1)" },
{ "Z.$": "States.ArrayGetItem($.C,2)" }
The CDK accepts these literal values. It also provides the optional JsonPath class, which exposes methods for the intrinsic classes and lets you omit the .$
from key names. The CDK emits the same State Machine definition output either way.