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API Data is not being added to my dictionary correctly


Chosen API Link:

From this API, I am attempting to extract 12 pieces of data for each team (32 teams), so that I can plug those numbers into a formula and predict the winners of matchups. I created a dictionary to format how I want to store the data here: (Teams are represented by their "id" in the index) Their ID is assigned in the API.

When I run my data extract file ( ), 60 entries are entered into the categories I have written. This is coming from the loop in my fill_game() method. I do not understand why all 60 are coming through.

for game in range(len(games["items"])):

Each list's length inside of my sub-categories should be equal to the last_games param of __init__, but it is 60 now.

If last_games was 1, then there would only be 1 week's worth of games, and since each team plays once per week, there should be 1 piece of data per category.

If anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated!

I've gone through and followed the instructions line by line as if I was the computer, and still could not understand how these numbers were being looped in.

EDIT: I have tried debugging these lines in PyCharm:

    # Add Turnover Differential
    self.stats[team_id - 1][0]["Turnover Differential"].append(path[10]["stats"][39]["value"])

    # Add RedZone Efficiency
    self.stats[team_id - 1][1]["RedZone Efficiency"].append(path[10]["stats"][12]["value"])

    # Add Third Down Attempts
    self.stats[team_id - 1][2]["Third Down Attempts"].append(path[10]["stats"][29]["value"])

I noticed that instead of putting the team's data in their respective index at [team_id - 1], it is appending the data to EVERY team's list. I cannot figure out why that is happening. Maybe I'm overlooking something?


  • I did some debugging and can understand why it gave you 60 entries because each week contains the following number of games,

    enter image description here

    Thus, 16 + 16 + 13 + 15 = 60

    The issue is when you initialise the stats object,

    change from

    self.stats = [n for i in range(32)]


    self.stats = [[
                {"Turnover Differential": []},  # 0
                {"RedZone Efficiency": []},  # 1
                {"Third Down Attempts": []},  # 2
                {"Third Down Conversions": []},  # 3
                {"Fourth Down Attempts": []},  # 4
                {"Fourth Down Conversions": []},  # 5
                {"Kickoff Yards": []},  # 6
                {"Kickoff Attempts": []},  # 7
                {"Kick Return Yards": []},  # 8
                {"Kick Return Attempts": []},  # 9
                {"Punt Yards": []},  # 10
                {"Punt Attempts": []},  # 11
            ] for i in range(32)]

    The previous code gives you 32 references to the same object n (updating one will show the changes in all the items), whereas the new code gives you 32 distinct (independent) objects.